New Library Building

Stillwater County is conducting a public survey to update their Capital Improvement Plan. This plan identifies priorities for projects over $5,000 for existing and new facilities. We believe a new library building is long overdue and ask your help by commenting on the need for a new library. To do so, please go to this link and go to the bottom of the page where there is a box for comments. (You can fill out the survey itself, but it is overly detailed and your comments would be sufficient.)

FYI: Here are some facts about the library from the 2023-2024 fiscal year:

  • Patrons saved $527,632 with their library cards, checking out both print and e-materials
  • Over 22,280 people walked through the library doors in 2023
  • There were nearly 3,000 uses of the public computers and over 12,000 WiFi sessions
  • Over 700 programs for children and adults were held, online and in person
  • Over 30 summer reading programs were held across the county

Feel free to also also comment on other capital improvement needs in the county. Presently, the comment period ends 12/31/24.  

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