Our computers are equipped with internet access and are free for anyone to use for research, educational purposes, or personal use. Minors 10 years or older can have access to the computers without a parent/guardian present by filling out an application. Our staff is available to help with basic technology questions and education. You are not required to have a library card to utilize the computers.
You can also access our free Wi-Fi 24/7 inside and out of our location with any of your mobile devices. We have two tables and room in our lobby for you to set up a laptop or other mobile device. If you need more privacy, call us to reserve the conference room. Following is our network and passord:
Wi-Fi Network: swclibrary
Wi-Fi Password: slibrary
From our computers you can make black and white prints. You can also email us directly to make prints in black and white or color. Not only can we help with printing projects, but we also can scan documents, make copies and fax. We charge for printer services because it helps cover the cost of maintaining our printing equipment, paper and ink. It also discourages wasteful printing practices and promote responsible use of resources. See below our printer pricing:
Black and white prints per printed side: $0.15
Color prints per printed side: $0.25
Per Fax: $3.00
Scans: Free